I showed Finny the stuff Gwnyc was posting about me and she got mad and sent her a PM scolding her for being so mean and now Gwnyc is after Finny. [sad]
I'm slowly losing interest in the Soapbox after all these years.
Ahh that happens on Soapbox and with ppl like gwnyc in particular, it's not your fault you cause you didn't ask her to do it nor could gwnyc's eratic behaviour be put on you either
There seems to be some serious anger management issues going on there
It's like she has a list of people she wants to fight with and ticks them off one by one
If that were the case, you'd think she would have moved on from me by now since it's been at least a couple of weeks since I responded to her. She even responds to my posts in other people's threads with claims that I'm harassing her via PM etc. Most recently she's been threatening to get hold of my ex husband who I haven't spoken to in over ten years. Any way, Finny emailed me back and said she doesn't give a shit what Gwnyc says to her or about her. This is why I have so much love for the woman!
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