Me and Laura was coming home from a day on town and we saw like 15 kids all shouting for one big guy to kick some kids ass.
He was laying down on the ground and that guy kicked his head in so me and Laura had to intervene.
Alot of shouting and alot of cusswords commenced but it got them from stopping to kick him and potentially killing him.
Blood was running from his head when he left. Laura said that we sure took the wrong bus home but I don't think so, had we not been there at that time at that moment they would have continued with that *beep*
We probably made a few enemies with these bastard neighbourhood kids, but you have to stand up for what's right here in life and I know that if I was in that kid's situation getting his head kicked in I wish that someone woulda done the same.
That was intense, I'm still a little shook up from it.
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