Edit: Never mind I just noticed the date on that post. I also noticed Ben isn't posting on his blog any more and has moved on to a different site. Maybe he was also blacked from Blogspot.
I know heather contacted the police about his threads regarding hurting her daughter (she posted that on the board)
I believe pinky contacted the police (he provided a screenshot of that) and I have reason to believe another poster did too though I can't say who in case I'm wrong
I contacted imdb help desk after he posted my Facebook link and told them I'd contact the police if anything came of it (messages to my contact list or posting their profiles on the board
I also reported him to Facebook
also Dan can you have a look in the bedrooms and see if my stylus is there please?
Trying to type without it is not fun
thanks gorgeous ♥
The bunghole whispers sweet words of magic that can only be comprehended by the elves and fairies from the land of the rainbows ~ Dan
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