I once had a fever dream in which I was lying on my bed, watching a translucent version of myself slowly circle the room. I lay there on my side, unable to move. (because I was in a dream) My other self was shuffling slowly and her head was down. Her hair, scraggly from perspiration, sleep and sickness, was covering her face. I suddenly realized that I must see her face and every second I was unable to I grew more and more frightened, but I was still unable to move, no matter how hard I tired.
And then she stopped.
And I was suddenly able to sit up.
So I threw my legs over the side of my bed and stood to move toward her. That was when she turned and looked over at me and I saw, her face wasn’t mine, but that of an old withering corpse. And I screamed so loud it woke up everyone in the house. I was 7.
Oh wow scary... And you were 7, amazing that you remember dreams seemingly so vividly from back then...
I do have recollections of 2 dreams I had one of which there was a dragon who at my brother and I was gonna kill (don't remember if I actually managed to do that or not) and one where a witch I think it was had strapped me to a rolling timber cutter line thing and I was about to get sliced up if I couldn't get lose... (think I woke up right before that was gonna happen)
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