(taken from LiveJournal) My What-The-Fuck moment of 2006; Today I was on my way home from work when I spotted an average-looking working class 40-something man standing at a bus stop. He had one boot resting on his lunch box and a half sandwich in his hand. As I passed him I noticed the crusts were cut off. Then I looked up and noticed that he had noticed me glancing at his sandwich. I made eye contact and smiled a friendly greeting. He did not smile back – his expression didn’t change. Once my back was to him, he shouted something in a foreign language and, with great force hurled his sandwich at me. The second it bounced off of my right shoulder, I began to say “What the f-”, but when I turned back toward him, he made a menacing lunging movement in my direction. So I turned back in the way I had been walking and commenced to pick up speed, as though nothing had happened. To my left, somewhere in the slow-moving rush-hour traffic, a sudden and uncontrollable cackle arose. That was when I realized at the same moment that I was probably about to be attacked from behind and that my being hit by a stranger’s leftover lunch had made some teenybopper’s day. I truly was frightened until I reached the next corner and went to cross the street. I turned and glanced back in the direction from which I had come and saw the man standing with his back to me, one foot resting on his lunch box, a half sandwich in his hand, as though I had imagined the whole thing. Twinpeaksian? I think so.
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